different times during the day feeling negative about a situation or someone that I
have to snap myself out of it. So, since the last 2 days have been fairly frustrating,
here is a short list of things I feel positive about.
1. My husband
2. My children and his children's health and happiness
3. My central air conditioning
4. Central air conditioning in my Jeep
5. Central air conditioning at work
6. October 1st is only 65 days away and it should be cooler
7. Football season is even closer
8. My family's good health and happiness
9. None of us are politicians
10. None of us are in Iraq or Afghanistan
11. None of us are in jail
12. My husband will be home in 10 days
13. My skills at my job
14. Good friends
15. Did I say central air conditioning already?
I find these lists help a person keep life in perspective. Life could always be easier,
but it can always be much much worse. Today while observing in a child care program,
one of the 4 year old girls was very excited to tell me that she had been able to visit
her mom in jail on Sunday. Imagine being 4 and going to visit your mom in jail. Imagine
being 4 and already in your short life, your mom or dad has been gone to war for over
half of your life.
So, I guess the best thing I can say is focus on how much you have to be thankful for
and imagine your life getting better each day because of your loved ones and because
of the good things that you do each day for them and others. Always assume positive
intent until someone proves you wrong. Re-frame your thoughts into good thoughts
and your day will follow in positive light.
Thank God for air conditioning. Yes, I know I've said that before. So, to end on something
new, Thank God for snow. :o)
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