My daughter got a dog from the pound 4 years ago. I didn't want this dog. But my daughter had made up her mind that this pound dog was the one for her. I told her she had to pay for everything, hoping that would discourage her. (I should have known better.) My mistake was going to the pound to see him. My heart cries when I walk into the pound. I feel so helpless for all of those abandoned souls. Needless to say, once I saw him, all curled up on the floor of the pen, I completely forgot that I didn't want another dog.
His name is Charlie. He is an amazingly beautiful combination of German Shepard and Australian Shepard. Charlie was like a Tasmanian Devil at first. He thought your hands and arms were his own chew toys. He dug in the yard, everywhere. But his one ear up and one ear down cuteness prevailed and we hung in there with him.
Charlie moved to Kansas City with my daughter and I was relieved he was with her. I knew he would protect her in that big city, and he did. She took him to obedience training and he won the "most improved" award. He tried so hard to be an apartment dog for her; but eventually it got the best of him and he was sent back to my house until she lived somewhere that he would have room to run.
He lived with me for 2 years and I fell in love with Charlie. He greeted me each morning with a smile and a leaps of joy to the back door to start the day. He followed me to each room of the house as I got ready for the day. If I sat on the couch, he laid down next to me. He helped me get out and get going after surgery by taking him for his walks. When my son moved out to attend college, he slept beside my bed. I grew accustomed to his noises and drew comfort from them.
He has gone back to live with my daughter now that she has the fenced in yard and room to run. Charlie will always have a part of my heart. I reluctantly fell in love with him and it was the best thing I could have ever done.
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